Related Material - for Spiritual Chat 3 About Related Material Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) on March 1, 2002
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters. Outline of Related Material when we go up in our life, when we progress in our life, when we climb up in our life, not us Him to do within us, since the last time we woke up, what we have made Him responsible for within us, what we have intented that He take over within us, and correct and move forward within us, what we have turned over to Him in this way, since the last time we woke up learn and understand what God has already given us, not get anything new from God. This is the great secret of the Holy Qur'an that lives within us, as the inner form of man, the surat al-insan, and within that is our True Mother, as the Umm al-Qur'an hidden within the Qur'an within each of us, as the Source of the Qur'an, the Cause of the Qur'an, as the Surat al-Fatihah, the Mother who raises the True Believer within us, the Mu'mim, who is True Man within the Creation of God, as the Oneness of God and His Creation. God Is The Cause of Us Going Down In Our Life, Not Us
We must absorb into our hearts, without the slightest doubt, the explanation given to us by His Holiness, on 4/6/85, of what it means to say to God,
"O God, You are the cause when we go down in our life, and You are the cause when we progress in our life, when we climb up in our life, not us."
"O God, only the choice is ours, the choice to live as separate from You or as One with You, but whatever the choice, the cause is Your responsibility, the cause of us going to hell or to heaven is Yours, not ours, and not because of anything else."
"O God, because You have created both heaven and hell and given them both to each of us, if we chose to live separate from you, then no matter what we do as separate from You, we will visit and end up in Your 7 hells, and if we chose to live as one with You, then no matter what we do as one with You, we will visit Your 7 heavens, and in the process as Your Messenger we will grow and become Your 8th heaven, which is Your kingdom within us, for the benefit of all of Your Creation in the 18,000 Universes within us."
In this discourse His Holiness gives us God's explanation, of the meaning of this statement to God, which each of us in the clarity of our wisdom, must personally understand and say to God, for God to accept us and take us back into Himself.
Beginning of quotation by His Holiness -----
And God tells man,
"I have given you the state in which You and I can be one. Also, I have given you the state where You and I can be separated. I have given you the wisdom to understand that all mankind are the children of one Mother, and to be joined in unity, but also you have the tendency to forget this, and to destroy yourselves as a result."
"We have spread out one mat called the dunya, or this world, and all of us are on this same mat, sitting, laying down, eating, praying, to experience everything in our life. The dunya, this plate is like this. And we have given you the wisdom to understand this, that the world is like a prayer mat, where you can pray from any part of the world. And it is also an alter where you sacrifice."
"The world is a place where one can embrace the other in peace and unity, but it is also the place where one can murder the other in sacrifice. You have the wisdom to join together, as one family, to eat off the same plate in unity, and you also have the wisdom (the consciousness), when it is warped, to plunder the food of another, and to covet what others have."
"So there are 400 trillion, and 10 thousand different kinds of prayers and worship, acts which are just and unjust, the divisions of "you" and "I", the divisions that yours are different from mine and mine is different from yours, causing all these divisions and separations. And because of this, you also have within you, the state in which you will commit so many sins, and evils, and murders."
"However, you also have (within you) the wisdom to understand this, and to differentiate between these two states."
----- end of quotation by His Holiness -----
In this way, our work now, our only work now, is to put down what we have mistakenly picked up through our ignorance, is to put down the life of separation and differences that God has given us, to put down the life that God has discarded, that God has given us as part of Him giving us everything that He has, and through our wisdom to pick up the life that God has picked us, as His life, the life of oneness and unity, the life of justice and truth, the life of compassion and unity that God has also given us, as part of what He has.
The choice is ours, because we have both types of lives within us, the that God has discarded, the life of darkness, the life of injustice and falsehood, the life of the lack of compassion and separation, and the life that God has picked up, the life of light, the life of justice and truth, the life of compassion and unity, because God has given us both types of lives, as part of what He has given us, and we can pick up either, and put either down. That is our choice. What Will God Do The Next Time He Wakes Up
We must realize what our life is all about. It is about God revealing God within us. It is not about us getting better, or us becoming worthy of God, or us "working for wages to get into heaven".
Our thoughts should not be about "us" as separate from God, and the work that we can do as separate from God, which is everything that we do in our life in the world of separation and differences that we now see as existing "outside" of us, which includes our prayers and our duties of separation, but rather about "us" as one with God, and the work that we can do as one with God, which is everything that is done by our representative of oneness with God within us, by our consciousness of oneness with God within us, by our Shaikh within us, by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, which is to join with God to reveal God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
So our work is not focused on "us", as separate from God, getting better, or improving, or becoming wise, or pure, or anything related to that, but rather on the things of God within us, that God has personally placed within us, which are already one with God, on these things of God within us, getting better, or improving, or becoming wise, or pure, or anything related to that.
While at the same time our focus must be on the things of "us", as separate from God, ending, simply ending, having completed there work successfully, having kept us alive until we awakened from our dream of separation and differences, like the covering of the apple seed buried within the earth simply ends, and the apple seed itself simply ends, when the apple seed awakens to and accepts the truth of itself, that it is an apple seed, that it is buried in the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, allowing the apple seed to germinate, allowing the apple tree to be revealed by growing within the same earth that the apple seed was buried within, but protected from, by the two coverings of the apple seed.
In this way, our thoughs when we go to sleep at night, must be,
"What Will God Do The Next Time He Wakes Up".
This must be our only thought at the end of each day, having handed to God all that we have experienced of the day that is ending, with the intention that God harvest out of "our day", as separate from Him, "His day" as one with "us", as one with all that God has placed within us.
With the intention that God discard from us all that separates us from Him, which is all that separates us from our brothers and sisters, and all that separates us from the Creation of God within us, with the intention that God harvest "His day" our of "our day", that God harvest "His day", which is the Oneness of God and His Creation, from "our day" which is the life of separation and differences we are currently experiencing as "who we are", as "where we are", and as "what is happening" in our life, that we are experiencing as existing "outside" of us.
For our life is but a placeholder for God, for the "presence of God", when "we" have finished with the "presence of us", as separate from God, as separate from each other, and as separate from the Creation of God.
Then all that we are, as separate from God, which is everything that we currently are, becomes all that God is, as the oneness of God and His Creation, and in this way, by our joining in partnership with God in this way, by joining with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), God reveals True Man within us, God reveals True Man as what God has hidden within His Creation within us, which is the Oneness of God and His Creation, which is the dunya within us, which is the 18,000 universes within us, allowing True Man to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, which is akhirah within us, which is everything that is harvested by wisdom our of the dunya within us, out of the 18,000 universes within us.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
And from doing this at the end of each day, we must then do this each day, at the end of each part of each day, which are the six parts of the day, which are the traditional Islamic five times of prayer plus around 2 A.M in the morning.
And then gradually have this thought with each breath of the day, breathing out "us" as separate from God, and breathing God in as the Oneness of God and His Creation, which manifests in the world as True Man, as the form in the world of the Oneness of God and His Creation.
This is meaning within the traditional Islamic Kalimah, or affirmation of the Unity of Allah. "La ilaha Ill Allahu, Muhammadar Rasulullah" - there is nothing other than God. You are Allah. Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
And we must join with the True Man that God has placed in the world for our age, which is our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and with the Children of God for this age, which are the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Them), which for this age are the Creator's beings of grace, the Great beings of this world for this age, to perform this Kalimah, to successfully affirm for this age the Unity of Allah.
And to do this, start to say the Kalimah with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which for this age is the guardian of our soul, the wisdom surrounding our soul, so the wisdom surrounding our soul can awaken and do battle with the enemy of our soul, which is "us", which is "us" as the life of separation and differences that has grown within us, the life of darkness that has grown within us, coving the life of light within us, the life of the soul, which is Jesus (may the blessings of God be upon Him), the life of "oneness with" within the life of "separation from" within us, the life of "oneness with" that must be harvest by our wisdom out of the life of "separation from" within us. There is no other way.
So call our Bawa, call Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) from within your innermost heart, from within akhirah within you, to come into the kingdom of darkness within you, which is your mind and desire, and harvest True Man from out of false man within you..
In this way, say "Bawa", with the intention that Bawa come from within you and say, "La ilaha" within you, and then join with Bawa within you and say, "La ilaha".
Then say "Bawa", with the intention that Bawa come from within you and say, "Ill Allahu" within you, and then join with Bawa within you and say, "Ill Allahu".
Then say "Bawa", with the intention that Bawa come from within you and say, "Muhammadar Rasulullah" within you, and then join with Bawa within you and say, "Muhammadar Rasulullah".
When this child join with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be please with Him) to do this Divine work within this child, over the years it has matured into the following five Kalimahs:
1. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "Ill Allahu" 2. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "La ilaha" 3. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "Muhammadar Rasulullah" 4. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "You are True Man" 5. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "He is One"
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
To read a letter from Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) to our sister Rumi, about how the 5 Kalimahs gradually become what is shared above, click HERE to go to the Spiritual Letters part of the Children's Library. Once there click on Spiritual Letter 11, "Another View of The Five Kalimahs", to read this letter. 3. God Has Already Taught Us Everything, And It Is All Written Within Us
In the book, "Shaikh and Disciple", His Holiness teaches us this wisdom point when He says,
"God has already taught you everything. It is all written within you. Before you came here, He told you,
'I'm sending you to a school called the world. It is a temporary place. You have to go there for a little while in order to learn about My history, your own history, and the history of many others.'
'You have to know who created everything, who is responsible for everything, who is the Guardian in charge of you, and what is your true property.'
'Once you have learned and understood all these histories, you will realize who you are, and who is the One you need, the True One, the One who will live forever.'"
My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is "who we are", this is "where we are", and this is "what is happening" in our life, not what we have come to believe about "who we are", or "where we are", or "what is happening" in our life, through the life of "separation from" that we see as existing "outside" of us.
We must make this adjustment in our thinking, our believing, and in our acting. If we don't then we have wasted our time in the school that God has sent us to, and we will never learn and understand the histories that we have come here to learn and understand, and we will have to suffer the consequences of our ignorance. May we both think about this a little. It is very important.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
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Related Material - for Spiritual Chat 3 About Related Material Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) on March 1, 2002
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters. Outline of Related Material when we go up in our life, when we progress in our life, when we climb up in our life, not us Him to do within us, since the last time we woke up, what we have made Him responsible for within us, what we have intented that He take over within us, and correct and move forward within us, what we have turned over to Him in this way, since the last time we woke up learn and understand what God has already given us, not get anything new from God. This is the great secret of the Holy Qur'an that lives within us, as the inner form of man, the surat al-insan, and within that is our True Mother, as the Umm al-Qur'an hidden within the Qur'an within each of us, as the Source of the Qur'an, the Cause of the Qur'an, as the Surat al-Fatihah, the Mother who raises the True Believer within us, the Mu'mim, who is True Man within the Creation of God, as the Oneness of God and His Creation. God Is The Cause of Us Going Down In Our Life, Not Us
We must absorb into our hearts, without the slightest doubt, the explanation given to us by His Holiness, on 4/6/85, of what it means to say to God,
"O God, You are the cause when we go down in our life, and You are the cause when we progress in our life, when we climb up in our life, not us."
"O God, only the choice is ours, the choice to live as separate from You or as One with You, but whatever the choice, the cause is Your responsibility, the cause of us going to hell or to heaven is Yours, not ours, and not because of anything else."
"O God, because You have created both heaven and hell and given them both to each of us, if we chose to live separate from you, then no matter what we do as separate from You, we will visit and end up in Your 7 hells, and if we chose to live as one with You, then no matter what we do as one with You, we will visit Your 7 heavens, and in the process as Your Messenger we will grow and become Your 8th heaven, which is Your kingdom within us, for the benefit of all of Your Creation in the 18,000 Universes within us."
In this discourse His Holiness gives us God's explanation, of the meaning of this statement to God, which each of us in the clarity of our wisdom, must personally understand and say to God, for God to accept us and take us back into Himself.
Beginning of quotation by His Holiness -----
And God tells man,
"I have given you the state in which You and I can be one. Also, I have given you the state where You and I can be separated. I have given you the wisdom to understand that all mankind are the children of one Mother, and to be joined in unity, but also you have the tendency to forget this, and to destroy yourselves as a result."
"We have spread out one mat called the dunya, or this world, and all of us are on this same mat, sitting, laying down, eating, praying, to experience everything in our life. The dunya, this plate is like this. And we have given you the wisdom to understand this, that the world is like a prayer mat, where you can pray from any part of the world. And it is also an alter where you sacrifice."
"The world is a place where one can embrace the other in peace and unity, but it is also the place where one can murder the other in sacrifice. You have the wisdom to join together, as one family, to eat off the same plate in unity, and you also have the wisdom (the consciousness), when it is warped, to plunder the food of another, and to covet what others have."
"So there are 400 trillion, and 10 thousand different kinds of prayers and worship, acts which are just and unjust, the divisions of "you" and "I", the divisions that yours are different from mine and mine is different from yours, causing all these divisions and separations. And because of this, you also have within you, the state in which you will commit so many sins, and evils, and murders."
"However, you also have (within you) the wisdom to understand this, and to differentiate between these two states."
----- end of quotation by His Holiness -----
In this way, our work now, our only work now, is to put down what we have mistakenly picked up through our ignorance, is to put down the life of separation and differences that God has given us, to put down the life that God has discarded, that God has given us as part of Him giving us everything that He has, and through our wisdom to pick up the life that God has picked us, as His life, the life of oneness and unity, the life of justice and truth, the life of compassion and unity that God has also given us, as part of what He has.
The choice is ours, because we have both types of lives within us, the that God has discarded, the life of darkness, the life of injustice and falsehood, the life of the lack of compassion and separation, and the life that God has picked up, the life of light, the life of justice and truth, the life of compassion and unity, because God has given us both types of lives, as part of what He has given us, and we can pick up either, and put either down. That is our choice. What Will God Do The Next Time He Wakes Up
We must realize what our life is all about. It is about God revealing God within us. It is not about us getting better, or us becoming worthy of God, or us "working for wages to get into heaven".
Our thoughts should not be about "us" as separate from God, and the work that we can do as separate from God, which is everything that we do in our life in the world of separation and differences that we now see as existing "outside" of us, which includes our prayers and our duties of separation, but rather about "us" as one with God, and the work that we can do as one with God, which is everything that is done by our representative of oneness with God within us, by our consciousness of oneness with God within us, by our Shaikh within us, by Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, which is to join with God to reveal God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.
So our work is not focused on "us", as separate from God, getting better, or improving, or becoming wise, or pure, or anything related to that, but rather on the things of God within us, that God has personally placed within us, which are already one with God, on these things of God within us, getting better, or improving, or becoming wise, or pure, or anything related to that.
While at the same time our focus must be on the things of "us", as separate from God, ending, simply ending, having completed there work successfully, having kept us alive until we awakened from our dream of separation and differences, like the covering of the apple seed buried within the earth simply ends, and the apple seed itself simply ends, when the apple seed awakens to and accepts the truth of itself, that it is an apple seed, that it is buried in the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, allowing the apple seed to germinate, allowing the apple tree to be revealed by growing within the same earth that the apple seed was buried within, but protected from, by the two coverings of the apple seed.
In this way, our thoughs when we go to sleep at night, must be,
"What Will God Do The Next Time He Wakes Up".
This must be our only thought at the end of each day, having handed to God all that we have experienced of the day that is ending, with the intention that God harvest out of "our day", as separate from Him, "His day" as one with "us", as one with all that God has placed within us.
With the intention that God discard from us all that separates us from Him, which is all that separates us from our brothers and sisters, and all that separates us from the Creation of God within us, with the intention that God harvest "His day" our of "our day", that God harvest "His day", which is the Oneness of God and His Creation, from "our day" which is the life of separation and differences we are currently experiencing as "who we are", as "where we are", and as "what is happening" in our life, that we are experiencing as existing "outside" of us.
For our life is but a placeholder for God, for the "presence of God", when "we" have finished with the "presence of us", as separate from God, as separate from each other, and as separate from the Creation of God.
Then all that we are, as separate from God, which is everything that we currently are, becomes all that God is, as the oneness of God and His Creation, and in this way, by our joining in partnership with God in this way, by joining with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), God reveals True Man within us, God reveals True Man as what God has hidden within His Creation within us, which is the Oneness of God and His Creation, which is the dunya within us, which is the 18,000 universes within us, allowing True Man to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, which is akhirah within us, which is everything that is harvested by wisdom our of the dunya within us, out of the 18,000 universes within us.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
And from doing this at the end of each day, we must then do this each day, at the end of each part of each day, which are the six parts of the day, which are the traditional Islamic five times of prayer plus around 2 A.M in the morning.
And then gradually have this thought with each breath of the day, breathing out "us" as separate from God, and breathing God in as the Oneness of God and His Creation, which manifests in the world as True Man, as the form in the world of the Oneness of God and His Creation.
This is meaning within the traditional Islamic Kalimah, or affirmation of the Unity of Allah. "La ilaha Ill Allahu, Muhammadar Rasulullah" - there is nothing other than God. You are Allah. Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
And we must join with the True Man that God has placed in the world for our age, which is our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and with the Children of God for this age, which are the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Them), which for this age are the Creator's beings of grace, the Great beings of this world for this age, to perform this Kalimah, to successfully affirm for this age the Unity of Allah.
And to do this, start to say the Kalimah with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which for this age is the guardian of our soul, the wisdom surrounding our soul, so the wisdom surrounding our soul can awaken and do battle with the enemy of our soul, which is "us", which is "us" as the life of separation and differences that has grown within us, the life of darkness that has grown within us, coving the life of light within us, the life of the soul, which is Jesus (may the blessings of God be upon Him), the life of "oneness with" within the life of "separation from" within us, the life of "oneness with" that must be harvest by our wisdom out of the life of "separation from" within us. There is no other way.
So call our Bawa, call Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) from within your innermost heart, from within akhirah within you, to come into the kingdom of darkness within you, which is your mind and desire, and harvest True Man from out of false man within you..
In this way, say "Bawa", with the intention that Bawa come from within you and say, "La ilaha" within you, and then join with Bawa within you and say, "La ilaha".
Then say "Bawa", with the intention that Bawa come from within you and say, "Ill Allahu" within you, and then join with Bawa within you and say, "Ill Allahu".
Then say "Bawa", with the intention that Bawa come from within you and say, "Muhammadar Rasulullah" within you, and then join with Bawa within you and say, "Muhammadar Rasulullah".
When this child join with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be please with Him) to do this Divine work within this child, over the years it has matured into the following five Kalimahs:
1. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "Ill Allahu" 2. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "La ilaha" 3. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "Muhammadar Rasulullah" 4. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "You are True Man" 5. Say, "Bawa", and then with Bawa say, "He is One"
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
To read a letter from Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) to our sister Rumi, about how the 5 Kalimahs gradually become what is shared above, click HERE to go to the Spiritual Letters part of the Children's Library. Once there click on Spiritual Letter 11, "Another View of The Five Kalimahs", to read this letter. 3. God Has Already Taught Us Everything, And It Is All Written Within Us
In the book, "Shaikh and Disciple", His Holiness teaches us this wisdom point when He says,
"God has already taught you everything. It is all written within you. Before you came here, He told you,
'I'm sending you to a school called the world. It is a temporary place. You have to go there for a little while in order to learn about My history, your own history, and the history of many others.'
'You have to know who created everything, who is responsible for everything, who is the Guardian in charge of you, and what is your true property.'
'Once you have learned and understood all these histories, you will realize who you are, and who is the One you need, the True One, the One who will live forever.'"
My dearest loving brothers and sisters, this is "who we are", this is "where we are", and this is "what is happening" in our life, not what we have come to believe about "who we are", or "where we are", or "what is happening" in our life, through the life of "separation from" that we see as existing "outside" of us.
We must make this adjustment in our thinking, our believing, and in our acting. If we don't then we have wasted our time in the school that God has sent us to, and we will never learn and understand the histories that we have come here to learn and understand, and we will have to suffer the consequences of our ignorance. May we both think about this a little. It is very important.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
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This page was last updated on: March 1, 2002